Mrs. Wiggins by Mary Monroe

Mrs. Wiggins by Mary Monroe

I just finished reading a fantastic book that I wanted to tell you about. It's called Mrs. Wiggins by Mary Monroe and let me tell you, I was completely hooked from the very first page.

The book starts with Maggie, who comes from a difficult background. Her mother used to be a prostitute and now shes a Christian and  her father is a drunkard. Maggie had never been with a man willingly.  Her innocence was taken from her  by one of her fathers friends, causing her to not have an interest in a real relationship with a man. She never told anyone about this except for Hubert.  Despite this, Maggie develops a frienship with  Hubert Wiggins, who is the son of a pastor and first lady. However, Hubert has never been with a woman because he is attracted to men and he keeps this a secret from everyone, including his family. He knew being the son of a pastor and first lady would ruin their reputation. Oh and did I mention this book is based out of the early 1900s. So this type of relationship between two men was frowned upon.

In order to appear as though they are living a Christian life, Maggie and Hubert decide to get married, despite the fact that they know their marriage is not a real one. They make a plan for Maggie to sleep with a man and secretly leave him once she becomes pregnant so that they can pretend the baby is theirs. Although Maggie felt guilty she found a man named Randolph who was very much falling in love with her but once she discovered she was pregnant, she never returned to see Randolph ever. can 

Maggie and Randolp carried out their scheme and had a baby boy they named Claude. After Claude was born, this is when all hell breaks loose for Maggie and those around her. I’m just gonna leave that right there as I don’t want to give too many details away. Believe me, there is so much more.. Whew, chile!!!

I have to say, this book was such a page-turner. I never knew what was coming next and I was completely invested in the characters. I started off liking Maggie, but she quickly became my least favorite character. Still, my heart went out to her because she was only trying to make things right for herself and those around her, even though it got worse and deadlier. Ooops let me shut up! Lol

I highly recommend this book, especially if you're a fan of Mary Monroe's writing. She really knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat. And the best part is that it's the first book in a three-part series, so there's, even more, to look forward to. The second book is called Empty Vows and the third is Love, Honor, Betray.

If you're interested in checking it out, you can get it on Kindle by clicking here: And if you're a Kindle subscriber, it's even free! Trust me, it's worth it. And if you prefer physical books, you can get the hardcover or paperback versions on Amazon too.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did! Let me know 

what you think once you've read it.

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