Black Fortunes Book Review

Black Fortunes Book Review

The book Black Fortunes was about the six black slaves who became self made millionaires after escaping slavery.  They used what resources they had to build their businesses and to help others. They were also involved in the Civil Rights Movement. Most people only know of the civil rights movement during the times of Dr. Martin Luther King. In fact if you google the Civil Rights Movement the faces of Dr. King, Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X will most likely pop up. This movement goes further back than them in fact it was started years before them. Mary Ellen Pleasant was known as the mother of the California Civil Rights Movement.  She was also one involved in the underground railroad and providing shelter to runaway slaves to help them leave the south and move north.

Robert Read Church after becoming free he settled in Tennessee and gained his wealth through real estate.  He then opened up his own saloon, helped found a bank, and practically owned a whole block in Tennessee of housing and other businesses.  He helped his community by providing affordable living that was also sanitary. Most of the white landlords were not providing that for them but charging them more than they should, basically taking advantage of them.  During a fire that caused the whole block of property to burn Mr Church was smart, he purchased up all the property that owners were selling because of the damage and rehabbed the property and rented it out.  

There are more black slaves that escaped and made a life of wealth for themselves not only in this book such as Hannah Elias, Annie Turnbo Malone, just to name a few more.Some millionaires that we probably don’t know about and may never will because no one is talking about them.  That is why I value black history and learning about our culture and the brilliant people and things that they did.  I very much enjoyed this book and definitely recommend reading it.  Black history has always been one of my favorite subjects in school and to read on my own.  I’m not sure why only certain names are listed when it comes to black history and other names are concealed.  That is why I love reading because there is so much to learn and sometimes the only way to learn it is by reading.  Don’t just listen to what others tell you or the media shares with you, read and study for yourself.  I hope this book inspires more black people to know that we too can become millionaires still and they are creating their families history and legacy now today. Overall I would give this book a 5 star. So go ahead and check it out to learn more.

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